Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers have had to say about our products and service. They love us, and I'm sure you will too!


Good choice of products! 5J fine jamon. I will be your regular customer! ! !
5 out of 5 Stars!

SImply awesome!

The highest product quality and personal approach displayed by William (the owner, I presume) makes it a simply perfect shop that you will be looking forward to placing your next order at. Order arrived to Riga in perfect shape within 5 days precisely on the day when I needed it. Haven't tried all the items ordered yet, but those that I have I enjoyed immensely! Cannot wait to placing my next order with! I'm not even going to bother searching for an alternative sources. Высочайшее качество продуктов и персональный подход к заказам со стороны Вильяма (владельца, я полагаю) делает этот магазин просто идеальным, и Вы будете с нетерпением ждать Вашего следующего заказа. Мой заказ прибыл в Ригу в идеальном состоянии в течение 5 дней, и именно в тот день, когда мне было необходимо. Ещё не попробовал все заказанные продукты, но те, что я попробовал, подарили мне огромное удовольствие! Очень жду момента, когда смогу сделать свой следующий заказ с! И даже не собираюсь искать каких-либо альтернативных поставщиков.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Riga, Latvia

William, you need branch business in Russia!

Excellent shop but Russian Post is the biggest problem. I've been waiting for my parcel the whole month with express EMS delivery instead of 4-6 days. I've just got it and I'm very glad that everything is ok with Jamon. William, thanks a lot for your concern in my personal issue. I see all references are from Russia, so you should already open branch business in our country :)
5 out of 5 Stars!
Moscow, Russia

Very happy with the store

I highly recommend to everybody. Great, authentic & tasty Spanish products. I've made 2 orders so far, and William (the owner) has shown a high level of dedication, customer service & professionalism.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Denis Dikarev

Good store.

I have placed two orders in this shop. I will continue to do so. Parcels came quickly enough. Everything was carefully packed. And, of course, very high quality and tasty. I would recommend it.
5 out of 5 Stars!
Otradnyj, Samara Region. Russia

Great store

Ordered in the winter, at economical rate mail. Order came in 4 weeks in perfect condition. All the products ordered were really high-quality, all very solidly packed, so even a pate in a glass container arrived safe and sound. I have just placed another 2 orders :-)
5 out of 5 Stars!
Saratov, Russia

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