Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers have had to say about our products and service. They love us, and I'm sure you will too!

And so Christmas begins.... Hooray!

Thank you so much to William and all the staff at Jamon Shop. You provide the best variety and quality of produce, and the best service too. I highly recommend purchasing from them. And delivery to Ireland was quick too. Merry Christmas everyone! XXX
5 out of 5 Stars!
Jane Larkin

Great thanks to William and all his crew! Have a happy coming Christmas New Year!

Got the 3rd order from William. Everything is super, as always. You get used to such tasty food quickly and it's hard to refuse! Great thanks to William and all his crew for attention! Have a happy coming Christmas New Year! With kind regards. Igor Tumanov Helsinki, Finland
5 out of 5 Stars!
Igor Nikolaevich Tumanov

Product and service evaluation

OVERALL: very good experience and will shop again. To be recommended! DELIVERY was late (more than one week) with goods travelling back and forth within Europe. William is a real gentleman who puts passion and dedication in his work. This must be acknowledged to him, as well as that it was not his fault. On the contrary, unlike many other e-merchants, he was constantly following the whole. HAMS: my suggestion is to pair with a good red wine but not too expensive, otherwise you could spoil both experiences. Mouton Cadet Bordeaux is an example, though I have a better (niche) one that I will not reveal ;) Serrano Ham DO Teruel (Sliced) - Sierra Lindon (100 g) Serrano Ham ‘Mature Reserve’ (Sliced) - Mariano Gómez (100 g) Both ok for everyday use, the former somehow better than the latter. The taste is not 100% natural due to the sugar and dextrose. Organic Serrano Ham (Sliced) - Luis Gil (100 g) Wonderful perfume and texture, comes with no fat at all still it is soft. It could have been a real masterpiece BUT...way too much salty! Believe me, it could almost compete with an Iberico but to eat it one needs a great help from the red wine above. Not an unpleasant task, after all. To be tried at least once Acorn-Fed Pure Iberian Ham (Hand-Sliced) - 5 Jotas (80 g) Well, it is always embarassing to comment perfection. Nothing is wrong, everything is right. I know the purists will raise more than an eyebrow, but 1) should you manage (and afford) to buy a whole ham; 2) should you own a slicer; then try to slice it very thin, the French "chiffonade" way. The slicer will get damn greasy and oily, and the ham thin slices will be hard to get, but the sensorial experience is guaranteed. Even better appreciated in a degustation quator: Serrano, Iberico, Parma, San Daniele
4 out of 5 Stars!


сделали заказ - нога, несколько головок сыра, паштеты, колбасы, масло (почти 20кг) все отличного качества и по цене магазинов в Испании. До Перми посылка дошла до 6 дней (ЕМС). Как все съедим, будем заказывать еще. Жалко, что вино таможня не пропускает, а так бы еще больше заказывали :)
5 out of 5 Stars!
Pavel Anatolevich Odegov

Спасибо за магазин и сервис

З или 4 моя покупка, всегда быстро, четко и качественно
5 out of 5 Stars!
Vasily Bolshakov
Россия Ухта

A pleasure to deal with you

Once again out standing quality and service
5 out of 5 Stars!
Leslie Sandiford
Runcorn, England

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